Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hallelujah to the Lamb

For a change, this isn't song written or sung by me, it's done by my
girlfriend Anne. Probably the 1st worship song she has written.
Anyway, she has kindly allowed me to post it her and share it with you
so if it speaks to you please leave her a comment or something to
encourage her!

Hallelujah to the Lamb

The Righteous One
the Living Son
the Father's Love
revealed to us

The Holy One
the Risen Son
Sent from the Father
to save us

We bow our hearts
we lift our hands
we stand in awe and sing

Hallelujah to the Lamb
Hallelujah to the Lamb

Posted via email from Sprouting Seeds

Saturday, October 10, 2009

What You've Done

Download now or listen on posterous
What you've done.mp3 (6430 KB)

This song was written one night when I was just thinking about the
debt we owe God and how there was just no way for us to ever repay
that debt. But thank God that He gave His Son to pay the debt for us!

What You've Done

How could I ever pay
A debt that has no end
A life of sin and shame
Against the great I AM
But the Son of God You sent
To the cross of Calvary
Taking all my sin and debt
You paid it all for me
You’ve set me free

Lord because of what You’ve done
I come by Your grace God
Though the gift of You only Son
You’ve set me in Your house Lord

He’s set me free
He’s set me free
You’ve set me free
Now I am free indeed

Posted via email from Sprouting Seeds

Hallelujah Amen

Download now or listen on posterous
Hallelujah Amen.mp3 (5638 KB)

In all of us there is a longing for something. We could try to fill it
up with a whole lot of other stuff like work, entertainment,
relationships, shopping for the latest and the greatest or even
religious activities! In the end we're just left high and dry and it
still seems like we are missing something. That longing can only be
filled by knowing (really knowing) Jesus. When we know Him all the
other stuff can fall in it's proper place.

Hallelujah Amen

Sometimes I feel
That I’ve missed the point of this life
The pictures in pieces
And I think I’ve lost quite a few
This heartache I feel
Tells of a longing I’ve always had
These burdens I carry
Are questions no one knows

How I long for
something new
When all seemed lost now
It’s there that I met You

Then Your light came shining through
Hallelujah amen
Then Your Word told me the truth
Hallelujah amen

Posted via email from Sprouting Seeds

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Many thanks to the Youth Group at St Andrew's Cathedral for inviting me to share some time and songs with you! It was a blessing to be with you guys and I'm sure God is moving and working in your midst, so press on in faith!

Thanks also to Pastor Mike for the warm welcome and the love offering, it's all going back to ministry where it'll be put to good use!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bread of Life

Download now or listen on posterous
Bread of Life.mp3 (4798 KB)

It's taken me some time to finally be able to do another recording, thanks to unforeseen hindrances, which by God's grace, shall hinder me no more. Some times we Christians forget we have an enemy that is trying his best to oppose us at every turn, but in the end he is a defeated foe.

Any case, this song was written after reading a passage where Jesus had just delivered some really tough teaching and the masses that were previously following Him so closely, started to walk away till a few were left. Jesus then asked His disciples if they wanted to leave too and Peter responded "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that You are the Holy One of God." How I pray we may all know God this way as well.

Bread of Life

Walking down this road
A thousand shades of grey
No one seems to know the truth
Can it be the case
Where the blind follow the blind
But I remember You
Yes I remember

You alone have the bread of life
To where else can I go but You
You alone can satify this needful heart
This needful heart of mine

He’s the light of the World
The only Truth
The only Way
He’s the Truth and the Life
The only Truth
The only Life

Posted via email from Sprouting Seeds

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Relentless Love

Download now or listen on posterous
relentless love.mp3 (3644 KB)

This song was written after listening to a series of John Piper sermons on John 4:1-30, about the woman at the well. It talks about how Jesus pursues sinners like us, like how Jesus purposefully went to Samaria (though He didn't need to), how He purposefully sat at the well and sent His disciples away, how He purposefully broke cultural barriers and how He relentlessly pursued the woman though she tried to change the topic many times and was so blind to what He was talking about. Jesus kept at it and in the end He made a worshipper out of a sinner.

Thanks Anne for playing the guitar and background vocals!

Relentless Love

This is a mystery
That God would love a sinner’s heart
Relentless love pursues me
And by grace He draws me

Broken and poured out
His Love flows deep into my heart
Cleansing all my sin and shame
Making what’s dead live again

His light shines on me
Lifting the darkness from my eyes
To see Him in His glory
And His holy majesty

His Love flows through me
Removing the hardness from my heart
His Spirit dwells within me
And brings me to worship

Posted via email from Sprouting Seeds

Friday, June 26, 2009

Lift Me Up

Download now or listen on posterous
Lift me up.mp3 (3609 KB)

At some point, all Christians struggle. It could be a struggle with a lack of faith, doubts that keep coming back, disappointments or feelings of inadequacy in ministry, physical ailments or a habitual sin. We struggle and we feel that God is far away, our desire for Him wanes. The Apostle Paul wrote that he had a thorn in his flesh, he prayed 3 times that God would take it away, but it remained. Instead a promise is given "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness" 2 Cor 12:9. This promise still holds true for us today.

A special thanks to my girlfriend Anne, she played the guitar and did some background singing!

Lift Me Up

The night is long
My heart grows numb
And the light it seems so dim
The sea it rages
The promise fades
Who is holding on to me?

There is still a thorn in my side
And I just can’t understand why
But You say
That when I am weak You are strong
So I cry out to You once more

By Your Spirit lift me up
Set my heart on fire today
Let me run and not grow tired
To soar on eagle’s wings

Posted via email from Sprouting Seeds

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Download now or listen on posterous
Unshakeable.mp3 (4400 KB)

The song pretty much talks Jesus being our firm foundation, a rock on which we stand secure.


Though skies may grey
And earth may shake
Though troubles come
And hearts may quake
Lord let us stand as one in faith
People of Your loving grace

In all Your ways
Holy One
Beyond all praise
We look to You
Our only King
Love and grace

Jesus our firm foundation
Jesus the rock on which we stand

Posted via email from Sprouting Seeds

Friday, June 19, 2009

Tailormade With Love

Download now or listen on posterous
Tailormade with love.mp3 (5616 KB)

This song came about when I was thinking about some of the people whom I knew that left the church for whatever reasons they may have. I was wondering what would God's heart be for them? Would He be angry and remain angry? Would He still care for them? I think the parable that Jesus told of the prodigal son shows us all the answers.

Tailormade With Love

Little child
What did you see
That’s taken you so far away from Me
Why did you go
Oh don’t you know
It’s all smoke and mirrors in that world

Please hear My cry
Know My desire
That whatever you have done
Come back home
Cast all your cares upon My shoulders
I will take them all for you
Come back home

Little child
Are you afraid
Not knowing what the future holds this day
Come and rest
Be at peace
I am reaching out My hands to comfort you

Since the very beginning
That you breathed new life
I have showed you My Love
Through what I’ve sacrificed
I have made you these plans
And will guide you through it all
Come and see
They are tailor-made with Love

Posted via email from Sprouting Seeds

The First Post!

Greetings to all! I have always found starting the 1st post the hardest, cause I wouldn't know what to write.

Anyway, songwriting is a pretty new thing for me and I've only written about 12 to date. A few have been recorded but I still want to tweak them a bit more before I post them (soon perhaps). Err, they may vary in quality depending on how far the song is developed, so they are sort of organic!

I'm using Posterous to as a hosting site for the songs so they'll appear at as well, but any other post will only be done here.

So to round this off, I hope that the songs may be a blessing and encouragement to you as we grow in Christ together.