Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thanks also to Pastor Mike for the warm welcome and the love offering, it's all going back to ministry where it'll be put to good use!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Bread of Life
It's taken me some time to finally be able to do another recording, thanks to unforeseen hindrances, which by God's grace, shall hinder me no more. Some times we Christians forget we have an enemy that is trying his best to oppose us at every turn, but in the end he is a defeated foe.
Any case, this song was written after reading a passage where Jesus had just delivered some really tough teaching and the masses that were previously following Him so closely, started to walk away till a few were left. Jesus then asked His disciples if they wanted to leave too and Peter responded "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that You are the Holy One of God." How I pray we may all know God this way as well.
Bread of Life
Walking down this road
A thousand shades of grey
No one seems to know the truth
Can it be the case
Where the blind follow the blind
But I remember You
Yes I remember
You alone have the bread of life
To where else can I go but You
You alone can satify this needful heart
This needful heart of mine
He’s the light of the World
The only Truth
The only Way
He’s the Truth and the Life
The only Truth
The only Life